

Workshop of making titles with the School of Art of Sant Julià de Lòria. For children from 5 to 13 years old. Inscriptions at the Escola d'Art, tel. 744 044 Germandat Square

ANDORRA ESCAPELAND The challenge of the illustrious characters'.

Itinerant show. For all audiences. Registration at Start at the Oficina de Turisme (Plaça Laurèdia)


In these stories we will meet some characters that will do many who will do a lot of mischievous things. For children audience - Duration: 50 minutes Garden of the University Community Library - Reig Factory Museum


On the stage, two titles interpreted by actors and the costumes dels quals no descobreix cap partícula de pell humana. For all audiences - Duration: 35 minutes Germandat Square


A performance created in 2007 by Los Torreznos that deconstructs the material and conceptual elements of what could be a conference. could be a conference. It uses humor as a means of prompting the audience to reflect on three questions


Mònica's aunt, an iaiaiaia aged over 90, has disappeared from the nursing home. She disappeared from the nursing home, but neglected to leave a bag containing numerous documents and clues to help tell her story. a bag containing numerous documents and clues to help tell her story. the story of her life. For adults - Duration: 60 minutes Jardin de la Morera


En una població qualsevol, una petita vil·la o una gran ciutat, dos guies turístics es preparen per iniciar un particular recorregut per descobrir els espais emblemàtics i d’interès del lloc. El públic assistent esdevindrà espectador i alhora participant, ja que, lluny de ser únicament observador, serà un agent actiu de la proposta artística: els i les turistes que han contractat aquest servei de tour.
Una proposta que, des de la mirada del clown, posa al centre l’espai públic; carrers i places es transformen en escenaris que alhora amaguen les coses curioses o més inesperades. Un tour ple d’imprevistos, descobriments, emocions i sorpreses que cerca com a rerefons la reflexió col·lectiva entorn del fenomen del turisme de masses i l’impacte que genera en la comunitat i el territori.


La Inauguració' transforms a serious and solemn event into a a hilarious, fun and potentially watery party! Itinerant show. For all audiences (recommended for children over 8 years old as there is smoking and there is smoke and pets) - Duration: 45 minutes Starts at Calonge-Sant Antoni Square


Seven dwarf mice live near a pond. One day they find something big and strange that they don't know what it could be. For children - Passages of 10 minutes Garden of the University Community Library - Fàbrica Reig Museum


Dos cossos que s’atrauen i es repelen, les seves pells
s’enganxen i no se separen.
Tots dos no paren de tirar-se, de llançar-se, de deixar-se
anar i d’abraçar-se, la intensitat del tacte conviu amb la
delicadesa de la carícia.
Per a tots els públics – Durada: 40 minuts
Plaça Calonge-Sant Antoni


An absurd clown's play that revolves around this question: who am I? question: who am I? An invitation to not be afraid, to show ourselves as we are, to accept our flaws, and learn to flaws, and learn to laugh at ourselves and with others. and with others. Itinerant show. For all audiences - Duration: 45 minutes. In front of Casa Comuna


Non-conventional show, without text, where the theatrical experience also becomes a sensorial theatrical experience also becomes a sensorial adventure. A small old wooden house of small dimensions holds within it a mystery a mystery visible only to those lucky enough to enter it. who manage to enter it. For all audiences - Duration: 50 minutes Reig Patrimonia Parking


El Senyor de les Baldufes' shows a little big one. Circ de Baldufes, where the show stands out for the quality of its of its 'artists'. For all audiences - Duration: 40 minutes Germandat Square


Cabaret Pagès amb Esperanceta – 60min 
Tots els públics (recomanat +7anys)

L’Esperanceta de casa Gassia és una pubilla pallaresa considerada ambaixadora pirinenca. Una dona de
muntanya sense pèls a la llengua i de desvergonyides maneres que amb el seu estil Cabaret Pagès no deixa indiferent ni a xics ni a grans. Si no la coneixeu, veniu, no podeu deixar que us ho expliquin i si ja sabeu qui és, agafeu lloc a primera fila. Prepareu-vos per riure, aprendre i… veniu nets i polits que mai se sap que pot passar!


A show of dance, theater and clown where cops, falls and physically extreme and extreme and inverse physical situations can be enjoyed in direct can be enjoyed live from the hand of a character of a white comedy, who inspires that inspires tension and humor in equal parts. For all audiences - Length: 25 minutes Garden of the University Community Library - Fàbrica Reig Museum


Workshop d’intervenció a l’espai públic amb mitjans expressius propis de les arts performatives, el treball d’espai i cos i l’observació imaginativa de les ciutats. Espectacle itinerant. Durada: 30 minuts Inici: Plaça de la Germandat


Al poble de les famílies del patriarca Pantalonne i de la Bruixa BonBon, les coses semblen complicar-se pels criats amb l’arribada d’una nova tecnologia que amenaça amb deixar-los sense feina: la IA, encarnada per la ZannIA, el nou objecte de la bruixa. Recomanat a partir de 14 anys – Durada: 60 minuts Plaça de la Germandat


Engruna Teatre Company La Nina del Cap Pelat lives in a car full of andromines. But the Nina feels different, she doesn't like it because she doesn't have and this will push her to start a journey in search of some hairs for her for some hairs on her bald head that will help her feel better about herself. better about herself. Recommended age from 3 to 8 years old - Duration: 50 minutes Germandat Square